I Do P90x And Still Skinny Fat

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Results vary depending on starting point and effort. Rich is an independent Beachbody Coach.

I'm male, 5'10, 249lb. I haven't worked out hard in over 9 months and want to lose fat. I want to pay attention to burning fat and get a toned body. Which one do you think will work best T25 or P90X3. I do have a lot of weight I want to lose in the stomach area, but mainly I want to get back in shape. I want to get in shape for me and family. Subscribe: (HIT THE NOTIFICATION BELLCheck out my TopVideos! Me Coach You and get your diet and tr.

  • P90x review time.I don't do a lot of reviews on my site but today I'm going to tackle the granddaddy of home workout programs, P90x. First let's get this out the way: Unlike most P90x reviews this is not going to be some feel-good story filled with fairies and unicorns about how P90x has changed my life.
  • At this point, I still didn't understand how weight loss truly worked. Insanity targets people like the woman I used to be: an individual looking to get in shape and utterly clueless as to how fitness actually works. Cardio all the time will not produce results for very long and will leave you stuck in the land of skinny-fat.
  • Even if you lost the highest safe amount, this will still mean you have 38 pounds of fat mass, which puts you at approximately 24.5% body fat if you assume no lean muscle mass is lost in the process. At 24.5% body fat, you are anything but 'ripped.' So first off, put the claim into context.

Rich Flores gained 4 lbs. in 90 days with P90X. He entered his results into The Beachbody Challenge, and won the $500 Daily Prize for July 14th!

Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body?
I've always been a guy into health and fitness. After seeing family dying of poor health, it was my mission to keep healthy for life! I would go to the gym and mostly do free weights and some cardio. This routine went on for years. I saw some results from lifting weights, but never really saw my midsection improving. I always had this 'pudge' around my waist which would bug me a lot. This same routine wasn't giving me the results I wanted and my body never changed. I felt I had the 'skinny-fat man syndrome' where every part of my body was improving except my midsection. I looked in shape but still felt fat because of this forever 'pudge'.

What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey?
When I first heard about P90X, I thought, 'Why would someone do a home fitness program? There is no motivation at home and too many distractions.' I really thought the only way to get healthy and fit was to go to the gym. But in September of 2007, I was introduced to the Team Beachbody opportunity. After seeing so many success stories with P90X where you can literally get 'ripped,' I knew that this business was for me. I didn't start the program right away but finally decided to give it a try. I realized what bugged me the most was not having a 'six-pack' my entire life; getting 'ripped' was what I have always wanted. If the gym can't give me the results I want, I was sure P90X can!

What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did the program and Beachbody® help you overcome that challenge?
The greatest challenge was definitely changing my diet. I knew diet played a crucial role in getting that six-pack I always wanted. I would try to eat healthy every day but never followed a nutrition guide. Thus, my diet was sometimes healthy, sometimes not. For the first time in my life, I had to follow a nutrition guide. P90X held my hand every step of the way. Plus, having Shakeology was probably the best thing about the diet. I knew I was getting a healthy meal every time! Incorporating Shakeology into my daily diet plan helped me in more ways than one!

What in particular did you like about the program you chose?
Doing the same routine at the gym was monotonous. But P90X had the variety of exercises which mixed up the workouts and made it fun. Every day is different with P90X and this difference is what gave me results!

Describe the results you achieved with your Beachbody program. Which achievements are you proud of?

For the first time in my life, I have a 'six pack'! I went from 18% body fat to 11%. I finally got rid of the 'pudge' which has given me grief for a long time. I also gained 4 lbs. of lean muscle. One goal of mine was to have the body of a 21-year-old at my age of 42. I can say I definitely achieved it!

How has your life changed since completing your Beachbody program?
After posting my before and after pics on Facebook, I received so many likes and great comments! My transformation has inspired others to take action and get healthy and fit. It feels good to inspire others to achieve their goals. I can now lead by example, inspire, and motivate. This is not only helping me gain customers, but potential coaches too!

How did participating in a Challenge Group help you reach your goals? How did your group support you and keep you accountable?
I didn't participate in a Challenge Group. It was tough doing it on my own, but I did it! Next time I will definitely join a Challenge Group to make my journey easier.

How did your Team Beachbody® Coach support you on your journey?
Sue was always cheering my on! Whenever I posted my workouts on Facebook, she always had a supportive comment. She helped me stay focused on my journey.

How did a Beachbody Supplement or Nutritional Product or Program (such as Shakeology® or Beachbody Ultimate Reset®) support your transformation? What are the greatest benefits you gained? Did you see benefits to your energy, sleep, mood/mental clarity, digestion/regularity?
Shakeology is absolutely the best! Nothing compares to it. Nothing! It has helped me keep calories down, and given me the foods my body needs every day!2

You can change your life, too. Take the Beachbody Challenge for the tools you need to Decide, Commit, and Succeed! Complete any Beachbody program, and enter your results for a free gift and a chance to win cash and prizes.

2These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

P90x review time.I don't do a lot of reviews on my site but today I'm going to tackle the granddaddy of home workout programs, P90x.

First let's get this out the way: Unlike most P90x reviews this is not going to be some feel-good story filled with fairies and unicorns about how P90x has changed my life.

Quite the opposite.

This is going to be a brutally honest P90x workout review and analysis of its system and methodology.

Let's get to it.

Muscle confusion is (kinda) bullshit

Yeah that's right, I said it.

In P90x, muscle confusion basically states that you must consistently switch up your exercise selection to continue to burn fat, build muscle, and avoid plateaus.

There is some truth to this but a lot of the theory behind muscle confusion is bullshit.

Your muscles can't get 'confused.' Sorry to break the bad news. As a human being, you and your thoughts can get confused (like when you go to Bangkok and find out half the girls there are dudes). But your muscles can't get confused. Making your workout more confusing doesn't result in a more effective workout.

Your muscles can ONLY adapt to volume and load. This means that if you want to gain more muscle, you need to be progressively push more weight and/or reps. For example, this can be as simple as going from only being able to do 1 push-up to being able to do 2 push-ups. You progressed from 1 to 2 so your muscles will automatically get stronger. And when you're able to do 50 push ups, you're going to have much stronger muscles.

See what I mean? You progressed from 1 to 50 so your muscles are now bigger and stronger. Boom! Logic and common sense FTW, none of that muscle confusion silliness.

P90x review: The workouts are overkill and unnecessary

With P90x you workout 6-7 times per week depending on whether you take the 7th day as a Rest or 'X Stretch' day.

Day 1 – Chest&Back, Ab Ripper X

Day 2 – Plyometrics

Day 3 – Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X

Day 4 – Yoga X

Day 5 – Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X

Day 6: KenpoX

Day 7: Rest or X Stretch

7x per week workouts. Fuck…

Professional athletes train 5-7 times per week, so why would an average Joe who simply wants to lose weight and look better need to workout every single day.

The answer – there is no need to train 7 days per week. This is just all part of P90x's extreme branding. Obviously you're going to be tired and incredibly sore from doing P90x so people inevitably say it's 'working' for them.

Even if you're an advanced trainer, I can almost never recommend training 7 days per week. Granted some of these days are more relaxed than others (yoga and stretching) but still, training 7 days per week is unnecessary especially if your goal is to simply look and feel good (which is probably what most are trying to accomplish).

Will P90x get results if you do it? Yes absolutely, but it is by far one of the least optimal approaches to losing weight.

When it comes to fat loss, one of the best approaches to working out is to simply train 3-4 times per week to mainly preserve muscle mass, and to let your diet create the majority of the calorie deficit and burn fat. P90x takes the opposite approach – it tries to use the workout to create a calorie deficit/burn fat and the diet to sustain energy.

It's much easier to eat 100 less calories than it is to burn 100 calories via exercise.

P90x review: Dieting not made easy

I'm not going to dive into the dieting section much since it's a very very typical eat every 2-3 hours, 6 meals per day 'eat clean' diet. You'll also get the and exact meal plan to follow in the diet section.

I Do P90x And Still Skinny Fat Women

And I am not a fan of these typical diets mostly because they're restrictive, allow no room for error, and makes you form a bad relationship with food.

Not to mention the fact that the whole 'You need to eat breakfast and eat every 2-3 hours.' saying is complete myth. Sorry, eating every 2-3 hours does not boost your metabolism.

You can eat 1 meal per day or you can eat 6 meals per day. It doesn't matter.

Dieting is a lifestyle change but do you really want to live a lifestyle where you have to eat every 2-3 hours on the clock and can only eat a specific list of foods. Of course not, that's lame. You want to live a life where ice cream and doughnuts are regularly involved.

I really like how Nate Miyaki's approach to dieting, Feat Your Fat Away where you get to feast on food every night and still lose fat. His approach makes it super flexible and easy to lose fat.

Why do you want to do P90x?

Serious question: Why do you want to do P90x? Just be honest.

Most people who do P90x fall into the following categories:

I Do P90x And Still Skinny Fat

  1. You simply want to get in shape (lose fat and build a little muscle).
  2. You want to get in shape but are too lazy or embarrassed to go to the gym
  3. You want to get absolutely ripped and need an intense workout program to help you do that.

I Do P90x And Still Skinny Fat Man

People in category 1 are typically the beginners. They end up doing P90x because they simply believe it's the best option. They constantly hear their friends talk about it, they see the infomercials, and what the hell, it's the New Year so I may as well give this new workout a shot, right?

Those in category 2 have probably already tried losing weight in the past with no success. Perhaps they went to the gym and had no idea what they were doing or perhaps they had a bad experience with a personal trainer that touched them in weird places. Now they simply want to stay in the comfort of the home and maybe give this P90x thing a shot.

Category 3 people are those who are already familiar with working out but want to give themselves more of a challenge. These aren't beginners, but they want a workout to push their body to the limit.

To be completely honest, the only people who should do P90x are category 3 people. If you find yourself in category 1 or 2, P90x is going to be overkill for you. There are much better options out there.

Conclusion: P90x gets results but it's not the optimal solution for weight loss

I know what you're going to say.

I Do P90x And Still Skinny Fat People

'But Tony Horton does P90x and he's ripped.'


'But my friend's uncle's second cousin did P90x and he lost a ton of weight.'

'Shut the hell up, obviously P90x works since so many people have used it and got in shape.'

And you're 110% right. If you follow P90x to the letter, you will get results. You will lose weight and look better, guaranteed.

But you don't need to do P90x to lose weight and get in shape. If you truly want to improve your conditioning, then P90x may be right for you otherwise it's a bit pointless.

In fact when you talk to people who do P90x, all you do is hear them bitch and moan about how tough the workout is and how it's kicking their ass. 'Oh man, P90x is so hard but I know it's working because I'm so sore.' No shit Sherlock, if you do any intense workout that you've never done before, you're going to be sore. And people always tend to equate soreness to results even though it's not true (but that's another article altogether).

My point is – P90x works but it's not optimal if you simply wan to to lose weight and get in shape. There are just so many more effective and simple options out there. Whether you're looking for a great at-home workout routine (I like Bodyweight Burn) or you can just go to the gym 3x per week and do a few simple strength training workouts.

And boom, you're done. There's no need to train 6-7 times per week…absolutely no reason at all.

Remember, use your diet to lose weight and your workout to build/maintain muscle.

P90x review breakdown


  • Exact meal plans for those who don't know what to cook
  • Good workouts for building endurance and overall conditioning


  • Over the top and unnecessary workouts if you simply want to lose weight and look/feel good
  • Absolutely no science to back up muscle confusion
  • Diet plan is laughably cliche – your typical eat 6 meals per day, eat clean stuff

I Do P90x And Still Skinny Fat Girl

Overall P90x score – 6.5/10

Need a more better home workout routine than P90x?

So if P90x isn't as great everyone else makes it out to be, what are you suppose to do use for a home workout program?

There are a ton of great options but one of my favorite programs is Bodyweight Burn by Adam Steer.

It's a fantastic program that allows you get a great workout in as little as 21 minutes. To some that might not seem like a lot but if done effectively like in Bodyweight Burn, sometimes that's all you need.

I know I'm in the minority when it comes to doing more negative P90x reviews, so PLEASE leave any questions or comments you have in the comment section below. I'll be more than happy to answer any questions you have. As Tony Horton would say, 'Bring It!'

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